surabhi agarwal

Legal Research in Appellate Attorney

The Importance of Legal Research in Appellate Attorney

In the realm of appellate law, legal research is a cornerstone that upholds the integrity and effectiveness of appellate advocacy. It is the meticulous and exhaustive process through which appellate attorneys navigate the labyrinth of precedents, statutes, and legal principles to construct persuasive and compelling arguments. The stakes in appellate cases are invariably high, as…

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JEE Advanced Preparation

Avoid These 9 Common Mistakes in JEE Advanced Preparation!

The IIT JEE (Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Entrance Examination) is among India’s most challenging and competitive exams. Every year, thousands of students aspire to secure a seat in the prestigious IITs, making JEE Advanced one of the most sought-after exams. The rigorous journey to cracking this exam demands a strategic approach, dedication, and perseverance….

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Impacts of Technology on Health

Top 5 Impacts of Technology on Health

In today’s rapidly evolving world, technology has seamlessly integrated into every facet of human life, revolutionizing how people live, work, and even manage their health. This transformation is especially significant in the medical field, where technological advancements have brought remarkable changes, offering new avenues for diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. For Nagpur residents seeking the…

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Lifeguard Courses

Where Can I Find Lifeguard Courses Near Me?

Lifeguarding is a very important and necessary profession that ensures the safety of swimmers and beachgoers. The first step in becoming a lifeguard is finding the right lifeguard course; this guide will help you with that.  This guide will provide tips on how to find a lifeguard courses near me location with special emphasis on…

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