Scarless Arm Lift with BodyTite vs Traditional Arm Lift

Scarless Arm Lift

Upper arm fat is a common cosmetic problem among women and can be caused by extreme weight reduction, natural ageing, or hereditary. Loose or sagging skin beneath the arms is difficult to treat with diet and exercise. Now, a more sophisticated, minimally invasive arm liposuction alternative is available that produces outcomes comparable to standard surgery. That is the BodyTite scar-free arm lift surgery.

Brachioplasty is a traditional arm lift surgery that aims to remove the extra fat to enhance the appearance of your arms. Once the excess fatty tissue is removed, it transforms your arms. Although this surgery is beneficial for flabby arms or batwings, it leaves a fairly obvious scar.

It is difficult to decide when several options are available. Apart from discussing the pros and cons of the procedures, you should also ask the certified surgeon to evaluate whether you are a good candidate for such a procedure. After completion of all the investigations, the surgeon will recommend the best-suited operation to achieve flawless and toned arms. 

Here are the main distinctions between the two techniques.

  • Anaesthesia

Brachioplasty surgery will require general anaesthesia since it includes removing considerable quantities of sensitive skin from one part of the arm and making a large incision to retrieve undesirable fat from the upper arm region. This anaesthesia guarantees a comfortable experience to the patients. At the same time, a scarless arm lift utilising BodyTite is done under local anaesthesia. Patients are awake throughout the treatment and often feel minor to no discomfort.

  • Procedure
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The conventional arm lift surgery involves making an incision on the inside or rear of the arm after providing general anaesthesia. The complexity of the therapy depends upon the layer of extra fat that is to be removed. The underlying supporting structure is then stretched, tightened and transformed using internal stitches. The incisions will be closed with absorbable stitches which will be removed one to two weeks after the operation.

After providing local anaesthesia, the BodyTite method involves making a single, tiny incision in the arm to implant the device’s radiofrequency probe and cannula. The skin’s surface electrodes receive energy from the internal cannula of the device. The heat created around the cannula tip causes blood vessels to coagulate and adipose tissue to liquefy, allowing for more precise and accurate sculpting of the arms. Once the fat is dissolved, the cannula removes it and tightens the skin.

  • Skin Tightening

After creating the incision in conventional arm lift surgery, the plastic surgeon will tighten the underlying tissues and sew them. BodyTite on the arms contours soft tissue securely and accurately, while also providing exceptional skin tightening results. This FDA-approved gadget has the dual purpose of melting and removing fat while tightening the skin.

  • Recovery

After the Brachioplasty surgery, Doctors advise the patients to wear a compression garment which can reduce swelling. A temporary drainage tube may be placed into the arm to remove any fluid or blood that accumulates during surgery. The BodyTite technique has shorter downtime and a less rigorous recovery than a surgical arm lift. BodyTite takes about 30-45 minutes, and patients are frequently able to resume normal activities shortly after the operation.

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Smoking is prohibited before and after surgery because it hinders the healing process, resulting in persistent scars or infections.

When would someone pick between a regular arm lift and a scarless arm lift?

Several factors can determine whether a person chooses a standard arm lift or a scarless arm lift. Some patients prefer non-surgical treatments wherever feasible. BodyTite is a minimally invasive procedure that involves two tiny incisions strategically placed in your arms’ natural creases. Downtime is limited, and recuperation is less difficult than with a surgical arm lift.

Patients with mild to moderate skin laxity owing to ageing, weight reduction, or other causes are frequently good candidates for a BodyTite arm lift.

The expert will do a physical evaluation to provide precise suggestions; however, if you have substantial skin laxity, the best course of action to get ideal outcomes is usually a classic arm lift.

The board-certified plastic surgeon may evaluate your specific circumstances, discuss your objectives, and offer the best-suited treatment strategy. A celebrity arm lift surgeon may have performed several such procedures on your favourite personality to give those flawless and toned arms that you idolise. Whether you select a regular arm lift or a scarless arm lift with BodyTite, both treatments have the potential to provide stunning results, allowing you to obtain the toned, sculpted arms you seek.

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